
Wednesday, 29 May 2013

DMT and the Pineal Gland

Today's subject of matter is very weird and a very few know about it.

DMT, also known as Dimethyltryptamine, is one of the most potent naturally occurring psychedelics known to man, and strangely enough its also the most illegal compound known to man which is fucking weird because that basically means all of us have a schedule1 illegal substance inside our natural bodies.This psychedelic chemical, DMT, is produced by your brain in a gland called the Pineal Gland, also known as the Third eye, many religious cultures including the buddhist, hindu, etc. speak of this third eye but I will get into that later on in this post. 

Your Pineal gland is located in the center of your brain and in Reptiles, the Pineal gland has a cornea, a lens and is also photosensitive which is mind boggling as this gland is present in the center of the brain where it is never exposed to light. The gland is also present in plants, and generally in any large living organism that has a brain.

What is the importance of this DMT, you might ask? Well, every night when you go to sleep, during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep, heavy doses of DMT is flooded in your brain and body thus making it possible for us to have what we call "Dreams". Clinical studies at the University of New Mexico around the 1990's by Dr. Rick Strassman showed that DMT is also released just before you're about to die, or in near death experiences. When your body believes it is about to die, your pineal gland pumps DMT in massive amount of doses. People who have had psychedelic experiences through smoking this compiund has claimed to see dimensions beyond the physical 3rd where they were able to interact with non-physical intelligent entities such as aliens, spirits, and many other strange beings. Why this occurs is baffling to scientists but if we look into the ancient cultures, we might find the answer.

DMT and the Pineal Gland have always been a part of ancient cultures in one form or another. For instance,

In Ancient Egyptian culture, the Pineal gland has a very important role as they call it the 'door to consciousness'. They also had a very symbolic representation of the pineal gland, using the eye of horus as a representation.

In Indian teachings, they speak of the 7 chakras or energy points located down the central line through your body. One of these chakras include the pineal gland or third eye, it is said to provide senses beyond the 5 primary senses of the human body, also known as ESP (extra sensory perception) or as people usually call it, intuition.

At the same time, DMT has also been a part of ancient cultures for thousands of years. Especially in shamanism. in Peru, shamans have been able to pick out specific plants from thousands of different species to  be made into an oral form a liquid DMT, this is called Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca has been used for many purposes, especially nowadays, alcoholics and drug addicts are often sent to these ayahuasca ceremonies to detoxify themselves and more often than not, these individuals stop their addiction completely. Ayahuasca has also been a tool used to reach the level of desired enlightenment. Graham Hancock describes his ayahuasca experience in a TED talk that was banned by TED because they thought it was encouraging drug use when it is an ancient form of enlightened experience: Banned TED Talk: Graham Hancock.

In conclusion, there is definitely something to be looked at here. Something modern science is missing, a piece to the puzzle by which the ancient cultures may have an answer to. Is DMT a gateway into the spirit world? if it is released before you die, then is that where you go after you die? or do you end up as just a biological compost that will eventually become a fossil fuel in million years to come, or maybe its both. Maybe the spirit also needs a dimension to exist on and DMT might very likely be that key to the door opening up the other dimensions beyond the third

Anyone reading this should definitely do more research on the subject of DMT, Ayahuasca experiences because some of the experience stories that people talk about on youtube are bizarre. And thats what i found out today.

Tomorrow's post will be on a lighter subject :) keep updated. 

Also, please let me know of any interesting information you'd like me to share on this blog.

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