
Friday 31 May 2013

Mermaid Footage found off the coast of Greenland (PROBABLY FAKE)

if this is real, this is huge!!! it would show how unexplored our oceans are and how there is so much to world yet to be found. Watch this.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Foods that kill: Sugar, Aspartame

What we eat is one of the most important aspects of living. To me, food is like a drug, it cures, prevents, heals. It's a preventative medicine and it contains all the nutrients and compounds needed for the body to be optimized and fully functional. Unless, you eat the wrong foods. 

In today's world we can't rely on the government or the food companies much to say what should be eaten and what shouldn't, because their underlying ulterior motive is usually money, all they want is for consumers to want more of their products and so these foods are often laced with an addictive substance, and most of the time it's sugar. 

Sugar, sucrose, has almost no benefit to our body whatsoever. In fact some might say it's literally poison for you body (Watch The Bitter Truth about Sugar presentation here). It is the cause for headaches and the craving for more sugar, yet if you go to the nearest 7/11 or any "convenient store" sugar is conveniently contained in most of the foods lying on the shelves. Or the existence of soft drinks itself!! Are you telling me with today's technology and understanding of healthy nutrition, there is no way for the manufacturers to produce a healthy but delicious soft drink? Sure some people have a sweet tooth, but there are many other healthy alternatives to sweeten foods with, including: Stevia , Honey, Coconut sugar and many more! (Top 10 Alternatives to sugar). Personally, i would tell anyone reading this to cut sugar out of your diet but it's hard! There are so many yummy foods out there that contain sugar... ice cream, chocolates, stop there right? However, I have been able to reduce my sugar intake tremendously and i can literally feel the difference. It feels better! Sugar gives the feeling of crashing like when you drink coffee and start having headaches, nausea, and so you need more to balance that feeling again. It's that addictive, when you come to realize.

Another example is Aspartame, this substance could probably be full post on its own but let me summarize it for you.

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener put in any foods that claim to be "sugar free" like diet Coke, diet Pepsi and Chewing Gum. It's also sold as NutraSweet or Equal as packets of "sugar free" sweetener that you put in your tea or coffee.

It's one of the most dangerous substances out there in the market. 
Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious, including seizures and death. A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include:
Muscle spasmsWeight gainRashesDepressionFatigue
IrritabilityTachycardiaInsomniaVision problemsHearing loss
Heart palpitationsBreathing difficultiesAnxiety attacksSlurred speechLoss of taste
TinnitusVertigoMemory lossJoint pain

According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame, the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingesting of aspartame:
Brain tumorsMultiple sclerosisEpilepsyChronic fatigue syndromeParkinson's disease
Alzheimer'sMental retardationLymphomaBirth defectsFibromyalgia

Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. The book Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James and Phyllis Balch lists aspartame under the category of "chemical poison."

It's things like this which make me question authority. Question the government and question the corporations, especially the corporations. Why is this substance still in our foods? Are they outright intentionally trying to kill us?! 

Even in Thailand, where i live, packets of Trident gum, packets of nuts contain aspartame and it's ridiculous to me why our governments are allowing this substance to be sold to the people. And what's even worse is not informing consumers of this vital information for healthy living. 

It's time to take control over your own health by regulating your choice of foods! There will be more posts regarding food as I myself am very eager to know more about healthy eating and so I will update this blog according to my findings, stay safe, eat well, peace out.

Recommended videos, documentaries to watch:

Top 10 Worst Foods
Foods That Kill
Truth about Carbohydrates, Sugars

Wednesday 29 May 2013

DMT and the Pineal Gland

Today's subject of matter is very weird and a very few know about it.

DMT, also known as Dimethyltryptamine, is one of the most potent naturally occurring psychedelics known to man, and strangely enough its also the most illegal compound known to man which is fucking weird because that basically means all of us have a schedule1 illegal substance inside our natural bodies.This psychedelic chemical, DMT, is produced by your brain in a gland called the Pineal Gland, also known as the Third eye, many religious cultures including the buddhist, hindu, etc. speak of this third eye but I will get into that later on in this post. 

Your Pineal gland is located in the center of your brain and in Reptiles, the Pineal gland has a cornea, a lens and is also photosensitive which is mind boggling as this gland is present in the center of the brain where it is never exposed to light. The gland is also present in plants, and generally in any large living organism that has a brain.

What is the importance of this DMT, you might ask? Well, every night when you go to sleep, during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep, heavy doses of DMT is flooded in your brain and body thus making it possible for us to have what we call "Dreams". Clinical studies at the University of New Mexico around the 1990's by Dr. Rick Strassman showed that DMT is also released just before you're about to die, or in near death experiences. When your body believes it is about to die, your pineal gland pumps DMT in massive amount of doses. People who have had psychedelic experiences through smoking this compiund has claimed to see dimensions beyond the physical 3rd where they were able to interact with non-physical intelligent entities such as aliens, spirits, and many other strange beings. Why this occurs is baffling to scientists but if we look into the ancient cultures, we might find the answer.

DMT and the Pineal Gland have always been a part of ancient cultures in one form or another. For instance,

In Ancient Egyptian culture, the Pineal gland has a very important role as they call it the 'door to consciousness'. They also had a very symbolic representation of the pineal gland, using the eye of horus as a representation.

In Indian teachings, they speak of the 7 chakras or energy points located down the central line through your body. One of these chakras include the pineal gland or third eye, it is said to provide senses beyond the 5 primary senses of the human body, also known as ESP (extra sensory perception) or as people usually call it, intuition.

At the same time, DMT has also been a part of ancient cultures for thousands of years. Especially in shamanism. in Peru, shamans have been able to pick out specific plants from thousands of different species to  be made into an oral form a liquid DMT, this is called Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca has been used for many purposes, especially nowadays, alcoholics and drug addicts are often sent to these ayahuasca ceremonies to detoxify themselves and more often than not, these individuals stop their addiction completely. Ayahuasca has also been a tool used to reach the level of desired enlightenment. Graham Hancock describes his ayahuasca experience in a TED talk that was banned by TED because they thought it was encouraging drug use when it is an ancient form of enlightened experience: Banned TED Talk: Graham Hancock.

In conclusion, there is definitely something to be looked at here. Something modern science is missing, a piece to the puzzle by which the ancient cultures may have an answer to. Is DMT a gateway into the spirit world? if it is released before you die, then is that where you go after you die? or do you end up as just a biological compost that will eventually become a fossil fuel in million years to come, or maybe its both. Maybe the spirit also needs a dimension to exist on and DMT might very likely be that key to the door opening up the other dimensions beyond the third

Anyone reading this should definitely do more research on the subject of DMT, Ayahuasca experiences because some of the experience stories that people talk about on youtube are bizarre. And thats what i found out today.

Tomorrow's post will be on a lighter subject :) keep updated. 

Also, please let me know of any interesting information you'd like me to share on this blog.

Recommended documentaries to watch:

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Evolution: it's just a theory

How did we get here? A topic up for debate by evolutionists, creationists, scientologist, anthropologists and archaeologists. Every person has a different paradigm of getting the answer to this great mystery.

The current most widely accepted theory is Charles Darwin's Theory of evolution. We have been taught this claimed to be fact since we were in school in our biology classes. 
1859 was the year Darwin published "On the Origin of Species" which proposes that accidental workings of nature governed by natural selection are the cause for the genetic changes we see in all species today.

For human beings, on an evolutionary stand point, it has been found that our earliest ape relatives, Pliopithecus emerged around 25 million years ago and "evolved" to become Homo sapien
While Sapiens from our previous genetic ancestor Homo sapien Neanderthaliss roughly a 100,000 years ago. 

The evidences provided to support this argument are very intriguing to say the least, and sure there is no doubt we humans share upto 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees and a little less with other monkeys, but we also share upto 99% of our DNA with rats, and 50% with bananas. So it can be said that DNA sharing amount is a bad indicator as to if the sharers are related or not. Furthermore, in my point of view, Darwin's theory proposes a very externalized form evolution, regarding only the physical, phenotypical changes. It does not account for the fact that human brain size has doubled over the last 2 million years which is a considerably short time for such a big change to take place, having an effect on our intelligence, thought patterns, technological advancements, creativity and etc. 

Official position of mainstream science presents the picture of the past in which humanity started from primitive beginnings, and steadily progressed upward in the development of culture and science, but there is always evidence which challenges this view, there have been findings that show ancient cultures that are evolutionary believed to be primitive have been far more technologically advanced than evolutionists can imagine, this is continually occurring as many archaeologists find artifacts whether it be pottery, tools, airplane models  that date back even before the emergence of our first supposed relatives, Pliopithecus.
WHAT?!!? Could this imply that human beings have always co-existed with our supposed ancestors?

Certainly, this should be on the front page of the newspapers or on the telly but these new findings are often repressed by the media and the mainstream scientific community. In his documentary,Hidden History of the Human Race, Michael Cremo challenges Darwinian Evolution strongly. He has also documented 100s of artifacts along with Richard L. Thompson, another archaeologist, that contradict the evolutionary timeline depicted by Darwin or mainstream science today. Here are some examples of archaeological findings that contradict with the conventional evolutionary timeline, 

a battery that's 2,000 years old! Known as the Baghdad Battery, this curiosity was found in the ruins of a Parthian village believed to date back to between 248 B.C. and 226 A.D. The device consists of a 5-1/2-inch high clay vessel inside of which was a copper cylinder held in place by asphalt, and inside of that was an oxidized iron rod. Experts who examined it concluded that the device needed only to be filled with an acid or alkaline liquid to produce an electric charge

Modern Human Skeleton from Tanzania, over 800,000 years old
In 1913 Professor Hans Reck, of Berlin University, conducted investigations at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, then German East Africa.
This modern skull is from a fully human skeleton found that year. The human skeletal remains, including this complete skull, were cemented in the rock and had to be chipped with hammers and chisels. It was found in the upper end of a rock bed dated at more than 800,000 years old.

Mortar and Pestle in California, up to 55 million years oldIn 1877 Mr. J. H. Neale was superintendent of the Montezuma Tunnel Company, and ran the Montezuma tunnel into the gravel underlying the lava of Table Mountain, Tuolumne County
Metallic Vase from Pre-Cambrian Rock, over 600 Million Years Old
The following report, titled "A Relic of a Bygone Age," appeared in the magazine Scientific American (June 5, 1852):
According to a recent U.S. Geological Survey map of the Boston-Dorchester area where this was found, the pudding stone, now called the Roxbury conglomerate, is of Precambrian age, over 600 million years old. By standard accounts, life was just beginning to form on this planet during the Precambrian.

A metallic sphere from South Africa with three parallel grooves around its equator (photo courtesy of Roelf Marx). The sphere was found in a Precambrian mineral deposit, said to be 2.8 billion years old. [p. 813, Forbidden Archeology, Michael Cremo, et all.]

These artifacts not only show the faulty evolutionary timeline according to Darwin's theory but they also represent the ancient civilizations abilities and knowledge at a time an average person would believe only apes existed, knocking each other heads and reproducing. 

To conclude, i would like to emphasize that evolution is only a theory proposed by one man and agreed upon by many, it still doesn't make it any more true, or any more false for that matter. So do your research ! Have faith in your own judgement and not of others but as of today, there is no definite answer as to the great philosophical question: How did we get here?

Recommended documentaries to watch, click below:

Keep up to date with this blog, and see what i find out tomorrow ;)

Monday 27 May 2013

Announcement 27/5/2013

Unfortunately there will be no posts today as i was swarmed with work. Not a very pretty scene haha!
However, tomorrow i will be writing an in-depth piece discussing human evolution, human origins, ancient archaeology.
If you're interested, come back tomorrow!

Sunday 26 May 2013

The Forbidden Cure for Cancer: ESSIAC, concocted by Rene Caisse

"Approximately 7.6 million people die from cancer worldwide every year, out of which, 4 million people die prematurely (aged 30 to 69 years)" -

Most of these patients rely on chemo-therapy and radiation as their choice for therapy but a study published in August 2003 revealed that regarding adult cancer in the USA and Australia, the use of chemotherapy, when looking at adjuvant and curative use, provided a cure only 2.1% of the time in the USA and 2.3% of the time in Australia. So it's a 97% failure. WTF.

Here is Dr. Peter Glidden on Chemotherapy

The ineffectiveness of chemo-therapy can further realized when compared to an alternative treatment. Hemp oil, and Cannabis has often been linked with the reduction in the size of tumours in cancer patients but this article will stress on Rene Caisse's all herb concoction ESSIAC.

In Canada, 1922, Rene Cassie experimented with a simple formula mix of herbs told to her by the native Canadian Ojibway Indians. The four main herbs that make up Essiac are Burdock RootSlippery Elm Inner BarkSheep Sorrel and Indian Rhubarb Root. Rene experimented using the formula first on her aunt who had recently been diagnosed with cancer at the time and found that after intensive treatment using the mixture, over time, she got better and lived an additional 21 years. 

Seeing how this concoction worked wonders, Rene quit her job as a nurse, and started treating people who are diagnosed with cancer using ESSIAC (her last name spelled backwards). The number of cures and people who got better multiplied in and around her area until the pharmaceutical and medical industry came knocking. Her natural herb product had been deemed a clinically unproven cure for cancer simply because entrepreneurs wouldn't invest in a clinical study due to the fact that herbs can't be patented and so they can't profiteer out of it. DOUCHEBAGS! So all her life Rene had to deal with persecutions from the authorities and still today ESSIAC is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S.A. when its users and Rene herself have provisioned the extraordinary results it gives.

For a deeper look into the Medical Industry's huge global conspiracy, simply aiming for profits and not cures. Watch Cancer - The Forbidden Cures documentary here

Saturday 25 May 2013

Japanese dolphin hunting and whaling practices

Mercury contamination in seafood have been a long topic of discussion the
recommended dosage of mercury from seafood in japan is 0.4 ppm (part per million) however, a steak sized dolphin meat contains up to about 2000 ppm of mercury. HOLY SHIT! It's a very toxic piece of meat that could probably kill you or make the child in your uterus born retarded. So it begs the question, why are dolphins being killed for their meat if you're not even supposed to eat it? and if there are any idiots out there that are still eating it, why the fuck are you? these questions were asked in the award winning documentary film The Cove (2009).

The documentary showed the tiny little cove in Taiji, Japan where fishermen slaughter 100s of dolphins all together creating a bloody seashore.

Dolphins are a very special animal, John C. Lilly who specialized in inter-species communication and also developed the revolutionary sensory deprivation tank has done multiple studies and published multiple books regarding these extraordinary creatures' human-like abilities. Dolphins are very similar to humans in a way because they are self aware.
What that means is when they look into a mirror, they know who and what they're looking at. They also form social hierarchies and complex thought patterns, similar to humans. In May 2005, a discovery in Australia found Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins teaching their young to use tools. They cover their snouts with sponges to protect them while finding food.
In the 1980s John C. Lilly directed a project which attempted to teach dolphins a computer-synthesized language.
Lilly designed a future "communications laboratory" that would be a floating living room where humans and dolphins could chat as equals and where they would develop a common language. He envisioned a time when all killing of whales and dolphins would cease, "not from a law being passed, but from each human understanding innately that these are ancient, sentient earth residents, with tremendous intelligence and enormous life force. Not someone to kill, but someone to learn from."

So to my mind, there is no doubt dolphin hunting should be stopped as they are smart, intelligent creatures that you're not supposed to eat!